Sunday, December 29, 2019

Customer Service Policy For Business Essay - 3290 Words

Introduction Customer service is now the one of the most buzzing word in the business. Satisfactions of the customers are vital for any kind of business no matter what the business is –service or product oriented. Making sure of the customers’ satisfaction provides the business with the extra edge of competitive advantage in the competitive business world. Thus there is no alter rather the assurance of customers’ satisfaction is the best way of competing and making success of the business. Task 1Customer service policies with in business and service context and understanding of purpose of promoting customers focused culture a) Summarization of customer service policy (ESQi) of Enterprise Rent a Car and highlight of the reasons of the development of this policy Customers are the main key to the business as there satisfaction is very vital for the business. If customers are satisfied with the business then it is good for the health of the business if otherwise then worst happen to the business thus the satisfaction is worth mentioned as explained by Gitomer (1998). That is why every business in this competitive world should focus on their customers and build their policies according to their customers. Customer service policy of the Enterprise Rent a Car is the result of the survey that was undertake by the company to find out the satisfaction level of the company’s’ customers. The ESQi is the way of measuring the performance of the several branches of the Enterprise of Rent aShow MoreRelatedCustomer Service Policies1108 Words   |  5 Pages CUSTOMER SERVICE Submitted by Florentina Mihaela Badea ID Number: 21056 TABLE OF CONTENTS : 1) Customer Service Policy...................................................................... 2) Reasons for Customer Service Policy............................................... 3) Conclusion.........................................................Read MoreBSBCUS501C Innovative Widgets Assessmen1412 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Customer Service Plan Vision Innovative Widgets to be considered a leader in superior quality products and customer service. Mission Innovative Widgets will provide customers a positive experience in customer service throughout all aspects of our business. 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In the small town of Morris Run, PA, ‘The Store’ offers convenience items, a dine-in and take out menu, as well as e-commerce products, including several specialty products sold at ‘The Store’. ‘The Store’s’ customer service policy outlines and includes store protocols, which employees must follow to deal with customers, in a manner which demonstrates the responsibilityRead MoreCustomer Service1186 Words   |  5 Pagessome companies aim to look after their customers well, ensuring that the customer is at the heart of their business and everything they do. In marketing terms this is called being customer focused. It is important to realise that customers can take their business anywhere they want t o and if they are not satisfied they will take their business elsewhere. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Power in Congress Essay - 677 Words

Power In and Over Congress I feel the system is biased because there are inequalities among the representation and participation of interest groups and constituents in the political system. Unfortunately, poor and uneducated citizens aren’t as organized as interest groups, lobbyists and PACs because they lack the money, resources and connections necessary to influence congress members on legislative bills. It is evident that, â€Å"businesses, interest groups and labor unions are spending more than $100 million a month to lobby the federal government†(Associated Press, SFC, 3/7/98). â€Å"The actual population of interest groups in Washington surely reflects that there is a class bias in the membership of interest groups†(JBG). â€Å"Interest groups†¦show more content†¦In my opinion, I feel that constituents have power over congress members because they have the power to vote them in or out of office. On the other hand, I feel that voting constituents have the least amount of influence over congress members, who strive for money contributions in order to, run their political campaigns, compared to donors and PACs. Gallegos 2 Wayne, Lasser, Miller and others tend to agree that lobbyists and PACs have a great amount of influence over congress members because they may have direct connections and give campaign contributions. Recently, the airlines industry convinced congress to pass a $15 billion aid package it needs in order to survive. â€Å"The airlines had plenty of resources to draw on: 27 in-houses lobbyists, augmented by lobbyists from 42 Washington firms, including former White House aides and transportation secretaries, as well as the airlines own chief executives and corporate board members, whom all are well known in the halls of congress†(Wayne, NYT, 10/01/01. Lasser, American Politics, 1999. Miller, The American Prospect, 10/23/00. Geiger, Washington Post, 11/4-10/91.) I feel that money is an important factor to lobbyist whose connection with people at the top is crucial. Representative Lloyd Doggett agrees that in most cases, â€Å"All the lobbying is focused on a handful of people at the top†(Wayne, NYT, 10/01/01). It seems to me that major corporations have an easier timeShow MoreRelatedThe Powers Of The U.s. Congress882 Words   |  4 PagesExamining the Powers of the U.S. Congress Congress has constitutional rights established that reserve a solidified position to influence the budget and its process. With most of its power being apparent with discretionary funds in which appropriations bills occur, it also has a hand in mandatory funding by way of legislation. A bicameral process with rules attached, takes place to carry out the proposed budget prepared by the Executive branch. Although the President and his administration beginRead MorePower Of The President And Congress1303 Words   |  6 PagesPower of the President and Congress In the United States, a knowledgeable and reliable president should bring a country into economic development and give citizens truth. It is easy to see how a president affects foreign policy. The President has the highest power to decide how to manage, control, and to solve problems. The president and Congress play important roles in running the country regarding foreign policy making. Foreign policy is very significant because it provides peace between countriesRead MoreImplied Powers of Congress954 Words   |  4 Pages The United States Congress is the legislative branch of our government made up by the Senate and the House of Representatives. Our Congress, just as all branches of our government, derives its power from the US Constitution, specifically Article 1 section 8 which outlines the specific enumerated powers of Congress. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Enron Scandal with Code of Ethics Free Essays

Arthur Andersen Limited Liability Partnership was one of the â€Å"Big Five† accounting firm who providing auditing, tax and consulting services to large corporations. This is an accounting firm that held by reputation and trust by public and investor but it facing bankruptcy in the end. Early of the 20th century, invertors don’t know who can be trust because there was spread of business scandals. We will write a custom essay sample on Enron Scandal with Code of Ethics or any similar topic only for you Order Now All they need was auditors. Andersen establishes a company to be trusted. He and his auditors will check and certificate the company accounts if the accounts were honestly and accurately. Andersen advises his partners to pay attention on public needs rather than the profit of company make. After 1950s, the company force to commercialize for the coming of Information Technology era but it still keeps its reputation. But to win the best customers, they must attract a new generation of employees. The new director was keen to explore more customers. They audit and certificate more accounts and made larger profits for their company. Andersen guaranteed the accounts for dishonest company from John DeLorean to Enron and WorldCom. The code of ethics which Andersen against are: 1. Standard I (A) Knowledge of the Law. Members and Candidates must understand and comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations (including the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct) of any government, regulatory organization, licensing agency, or professional association governing their professional activities. In the event of conflict, Members and Candidates must comply with the more strict law, rule, or regulation. Members and Candidates must not knowingly participate or assist in and must dissociate from any violation of such laws, rules, or regulations. A case of John DeLorean, the founder of the DeLorean Motor Company who goes Ireland to builds his dream car. British government desperate to create job and gave 80 million pound. It was Andersen responsible for the money he spends. But DeLorean spend the money not belong to him. He will spend the company fund s of purchase of equipment for decorating his houses. He orders two Mercedes Benz, one send to his wife use in California. DeLorean asks to pay 17 million dollar to his Swiss bank account call GDP. In conclusion, DeLorean do nothing with the dream car. Although the Code and standard do not required that members and candidates report violations to their governmental or regulatory organizations but strongly encourages members to report violations. Andersen should report DeLorean who spend the money which are not related to the development of dream car and the money was not belonging to him. They shouldn’t participate in illegal activities such help DeLorean to cover the fact and follow the rules and regulations. . Standard I (B) Independence and Objectivity. Members and Candidates must use reasonable care and judgment to achieve and maintain independence and objectivity in their professional activities. Members and Candidates must not offer, solicit, or accept any gift, benefit, compensation, or consideration that reasonably could be expected to compromise their own or another’s independence and objectivity. In case of WorldCom, who was one of the company who use false account to earning profit by deceive public. After the scandal, WorldCom was the largest bankruptcy in U. S. history. It led to a domino effect of accounting and like corporate scandals that continue to tarnish American business practices and the foundation of economic. Thousand hundred of investors lost their life saving. Arthur Andersen emphasizes professional view and implements independence and objectivity which were refusing to certificate dishonest accounts. New generation of employees who work in Andersen should follow the thinking and view of the establisher. Although they want to expand their business, but they should work independence to report or refuse to certificate dishonest accounts, not helping them to deceive public. . Standard I (D) Members and Candidates must not engage in any professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit or commit any act that reflects adversely on their professional reputation, integrity, or competence. Arthur Andersen has involved in dishonesty act which was making false accounting. The company has loss its reputation once the scandal burst out. I n a nutshell, all company should follow rules and regulation. Otherwise, it may harm thousands even millions of people lost their life saving or in debt. How to cite Enron Scandal with Code of Ethics, Papers